Wednesday, 4 December 2013


Sometimes I wonder as to what grave mistakes I had done in my past life so as to my curent life being so very fucked up. Did I murder anyone? Did I cheat on anyone? Dupe anyone? What exactly did I do?

Regretting as to why I didn't appear for GSI exam inspite of the centre being just 5 minutes walking distance away from my home. Aahhh I remember- "he" was to come to my house that day for the 1st time. Appearing for CIL campussing- one of the worst regrettable decisions in my life topping the list. & choosing RI 4 is just the icing on the cake. Had started believing in the most controversial character of the world-"GOD" but fortunately present turn of events helped me backtrack myself. There's nothing called GOD. All are plain & simple BS. This place has sucked all enjoyment, my life from my life. Never before have I sincerely wanted not to be a part of this world as I do today...

Sigh. If only my wish came true 

1 comment:

  1. Life is as a war. Like all great wars, the hero does not win most battles. It is only the final battle that, being battered and exhausted, he wins and wins hard enough to finally vanquish his enemy. However, if he were to doubt the veracity of his cause or the support from God for his cause, evetytime that he looses a battle, then I am afraid none of the great kings of this world would have graduated from princedom.
