Tuesday, 28 October 2014

San Antonio

It so happened one weekend during my sojourn in the US that PBnrg and me had this ebullient urge not to sit at home the whole day but go out somewhere- around Houston or far from Houston. Well, there is a saying "God proposes man disposes", PBnrg proposed a short trip to San Antonio and I disposed.. :) :D
Off we went on PBnrg's Volkswagon Jetta (an uber cool, sensational car of superior caliber- hope to buy one day) via I-10 E. San Antonio is approx 200 miles from Houston. We lazed around most of the time on Saturday morning till late afternoon and hit the road by 5 o'clock. We reached San Antonio by 8.30-ish in the evening (of course the roads are leading exemplar of how a national government should be executing their duties towards its citizens. Anyway, no point continuing the usual jargon of us (read fellow Indians) who are apathetic towards the sordid state of affairs in our own motherland and our "esteemed" politicians and representatives on the global map are detrimental to the already discreditable fettle of my motherland.
So we parked the Jetta at a public parking place and ventured into the alluring city with our DSLR's.

Along San Antonio Riverwalk
Riverwalk, San Antonio.

Tobin Centre, San Antonio

Along Riverwalk, San Antonio.

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