Wednesday, 3 February 2016


Don’t misjudge the idiosyncratic subject of this post. It expatiates on the benign relationship which is the pith of the human existence. It didn’t involve any arduous endeavour to sustain for the past 1 year (totally a heuristic opinion). It's funny and doleful at the same time that perspectives change over a period of time, so do the preferences and we struggle to ignore the veritable and pragmatic facts, even if it is in appreciable amounts. One moment you are completely ensorcelled with the company, the consorts you are having but the next moment you are evicted from their cosmos without any caveat. Since Sunday, I have been completely frazzled and perturbed with the present turn of events, establishing the fact emphatically that the ingrained bourgeois-like candour and candidness is always belittled in today’s convoluted, whimsical world.